Invite your friends to UCON to earn rewards and grow our vibrant SocialFi community together.

❓ Did you know that you will be rewarded for inviting your friends to UCON?It promises to be full of profits and incredibly gripping!

You can easily generate your personal invitation link via ..........[LINK] referral, then send it out to your friends.

✔️Simple steps

You’ll receive a commission equal to your friends’ earnings on trade mining, and socialFi's activities

🔥Discover more distinctive income-generating opportunities on UCON SocialFi and potential Mining Package.

✔️Mining Node Trade Commission

Level 1: Develop 10 reflink members with mining nodes worth $100. Level 2: Develop 20 reflink members with mining nodes worth $200. Level 3: Develop 50 reflink members with mining nodes worth $500. Level 4: Develop 100 reflink members with mining nodes worth $1000. Level 5: Develop 200 reflink members with mining nodes worth $2000. The level-up rewards are determined as follows:

Level 1: 1% of the total revenue will be distributed to level 1 every month. Level 2: 1.5% of the total revenue will be distributed to level 2 every month. Level 3: 2% of the total revenue will be distributed to level 3 every quarter. Level 4: 2.5% of the total revenue will be distributed to level 4 every quarter. Level 5: 3% of the total revenue will be distributed to level 5 every quarter.

Last updated