The purpose of UCON token vesting schedule is to ensure a fair and controlled distribution of tokens to various stakeholders over a specific period of time. UCON Token vesting is a mechanism used to prevent immediate token dumping and to incentivize long-term engagement and commitment from team members, investors, advisors, and other key individuals involved in the project.

By implementing a vesting schedule, UCON team can ensure that tokens are released gradually and in a structured manner, according to predefined rules. This helps to build trust among token holders and investors, as it demonstrates the project's commitment to responsible token distribution.

ItemRatioVesting Method

UCON Token Sale as Planned


Linear Unlock, Vesting once a week on Saturday, 1% of total purchase, condition is that every month there must be a new mining node from F1

Paying Rewards and Commissions to the Community


Linear Unlock, Vesting once a week on Saturday, 1% of total purchase, condition is that every month there must be a new mining node from F1

Listing Coins


100% at TGE

Communications, Training, Marketing


Unlock 1% Every week according to the decreasing balance mechanism

Airdrop, Bounty, Community Mission


Cliff Unlocks 2% at the beginning of the project, 1% applies Linear at a rate of 1% weekly

Advisory Team and Support Partners


Unlock 1% Every week according to the decreasing balance mechanism

Dev and Management Board


Unlock 1% Every week according to the decreasing balance mechanism

Last updated